Sunday, March 18, 2012

Customer Service

First - I'm sorry its been such a long time since I posted. Life just gets in the way sometimes.

I want to share a short story that shows what true customer service should be -
It was a couple of weeks ago and my wife and I were on our way to dinner for our weekly Saturday night "date". Gentlemen, if you aren't dating your wife you are missing out.
We stopped by Stoddard's Range and Guns in Douglasville. We didn't go by to shoot, just to pick up my birthday present. Can you say busy? All the lanes were full and people were waiting to get their turn to shoot. I used to work in retail so I know how it gets. Sometimes when you get busy in a retail setting you move into a higher gear and some of the customer attentiveness suffers. Retail settings get very stressful as the staff tries to balance customer satisfaction with efficiency. I have gone into and worked in stores before where customers walk in the door and wind up leaving because no one even knows they are there. I say all of this because that was not what was happening yesterday at Stoddard's. People were greeted as they walked in the door and everyone was having a good time. The employees spent time with the customers and made them feel like they were the only ones in the store. People were laughing and joking but everyone was still being taken care of in a timely manner. Our transaction was handled by Adam whose knowledge of guns is only exceeded by his knowledge of everything in else in life.
Good Job - Dant, Jason, Adam, Paul, Gary, Jeff and Jonathan.

Thanks for listening,
The Math Teacher

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